NordicTrack EXP 10i Vs Proform Pro 2000

Further down the page, you’ll find some explanations regarding the key similarities and differences between the NordicTrack EXP 10i and the Proform Pro 2000.

Specs Comparison

Commonly, pricing is the most concerning element affecting purchasing decisions. In this competition, Proform Pro 2000 treadmill has a lead of being $100 lower than the 10i. Specifically, the 10i machine trainer costs more than $1500 while the 2000 price is contrasting.

Now, let’s take a glance at how much weight these treadmills can handle. Similar to many trainers, 300 lb is the maximum weight capacity the 10i and 2000 can carry. Hence, we can not evaluate the user capacity based on their prices solely.

When it comes to built-in programs, Proform Pro 2000 offers over 16,000 different workout sessions through iFit. Just like that, IFit subscription facilitates the NordicTrack trainer with more variability to keep users engaged and motivated. 17,000+ exercise programs are available so that you will not get bored while training with Proform Pro 2000.

Regarding power, the 2000 and 10i both have a 3.25 CHP motor, which means that the two machines can reach and maintain the highest speed. And they also can manipulate incline/decline in the deck at the same time.

In terms of the treadmill’s incline range, the two trainers both feature a considerable gap between the decline and incline. However, Proform Pro 2000’s incline range is a bit wider: -3 – 15%. Meanwhile, the figure of 10i is about -3% to 12%.

Let’s discuss the product’s maximum speed. Well, both two machines allow users to reach the highest speed at 12 MPH. There is no difference in speed capacity between the cheap and expensive one.

There may be so much heat released when a treadmill reaches its highest speed. The smart-response drive system of NordicTrack EXP 10i has a self-cooling function, which helps cool down the machine’s engine. But the Pro 2000 does not possess this feature.

What about the heart monitoring feature? These two treadmills allow you to track your heart rate thanks to the handlebar grips which integrate with Heart Rate Monitoring technology.

Sizing is another important determinant to examine before purchasing. The 10i takes up space up to 35.08” wide x 79.9” long x 59.25” high. On the contrary, the Pro 2000 comes with 25” wide x 84” long x 38” high. The Pro 2000 is foldable to reduce the space when not used, the 10i has an adjustable FlexSelect deck cushioning system.

Some people wonder whether these two trainers have rollers to move. Well, the answer is yes. According to the manual, their wheels are about 1.9” precision-balanced Non-Flex.

And lastly, in terms of tread belt, the Pro 2000 overshadows its competitor with the 22” x 60” running space. The 10i only has the 20” x 60” belt. Therefore, the Pro 2000 offers wider running space for users.

Proform Pro 2000 Treadmill

Features Comparison

Overall, the features of the two models are almost the same. Firstly, let’s take a look at the wireless connection feature. Users can transfer the training info to mobile devices, such as tablets, fitness apps, phones back and forth.

Both trainers offer scenic routes via Google Maps and iFit that switch to wherever your heart desires. Besides, the deck will adjust to mimic the terrain, and your legs will feel every hill or valley along your route.

With the EXP 10i, users can create multiple profiles (up to 4) per iFit membership, including all exercises on any of your compatible fitness equipment. Meanwhile, the Pro 2000 does not offer this feature.

While training, your body is getting hotter and hotter, causing water to run out of you, leading to a quick thirst. The integrated cooling fan and dual water bottle holders on the consoles of the treadmills give users the most convenient experience. And for entertainment, users can listen to their fav playlists via a supported speaker & sound system in the machines.

Lastly, both models have a display screen with three small LED windows and a backlit LCD screen. So, if you do prefer to look at different display screens, these models are definitely for you.

Quick Rundown Of NordicTrack EXP 10i

Nordictrack Exp 10i treadmill
[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” ][i2pros]Features a 10-inch HD touchscreen
Has a smart-Response drive system
Offers Bluetooth capabilities
Has Adjustable cushioning to running deck
Includes one-year iFit Family membership in the purchasing price[/i2pros][i2cons]Has no Bluetooth or wireless heart rate monitoring
Offers max incline only 12%
Offers a relatively short warranty period[/i2cons][/i2pc]
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Quick Rundown Of ProForm Pro 2000

ProForm Pro 2000 Treadmill
  • Footprint: 39.15” W x 79” D x 71.4” H | Tread Belt: 22” x 60”
  • Weight Capacity: 300 lb
  • 7 inches backlit over sized LCD with racetrack display, iFit compatible. Integrated device shelf
  • 3.5 CHP Mach Z commercial Pro, 0 to 12 MPH Quick Speed
  • -3 – 15% Digital Quick Decline & Incline Control
[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” ][i2pros]Offers on-year free iFit subscription
Offers a standard incline of 15%
Foldable when not used
Has built-in fans and speakers
Offers an EasyLift Assist hydraulic system[/i2pros][i2cons]Has a small screen, although updated
Has a noisy fan
Has ISO Flex Cushioning that is not soft[/i2cons][/i2pc]
>>> Read Customer Reviews: Here
>>> Read Customer Reviews: Here

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Overall, between NordicTrack EXP 10i vs Proform Pro 2000, we highly recommend the Pro 2000 trainer. Even though the machine is a bit more high-cost, it still offers impressive features that are worth your spending. Based on the size, power, features, and other elements, the Pro 2000 stands out over its competitor – NordicTrack EXP 10i.