Proform Pro 2000 vs Sole F63

Further down the page, you’ll find some explanations regarding the key similarities and differences between the Proform Pro 2000 and the Sole F63.

But before checking out explanations regarding their specs, features, and warranty, here’s a table that summarizes the main technical summary sheet for these 2 treadmills:

The Winner (#1)
ProForm 2000 Treadmill
ProForm Pro 2000
Motor Power
3.5 HP
Top Speed
12 MPH
0 to 15%
Running Area
22″ X 60″
Max User Weight
300 LBS
Built-in Programs
Heart Rate Monitor
EKG grip pulse Sensor and wireless chest strap
Cooling Fan
7″ full color capacitive touch display
Web Browser
Audio Auxiliary Port and Bluetooth Speakers
iFit Coach Compatible
Tablet holder
Price not available
More Info
The Winner (#1)
ProForm 2000 Treadmill
ProForm Pro 2000
Motor Power
3.5 HP
Top Speed
12 MPH
0 to 15%
Running Area
22″ X 60″
Max User Weight
300 LBS
Built-in Programs
Heart Rate Monitor
EKG grip pulse Sensor and wireless chest strap
Cooling Fan
7″ full color capacitive touch display
Web Browser
Audio Auxiliary Port and Bluetooth Speakers
iFit Coach Compatible
Tablet holder
Price not available
More Info

Specs Comparison

There is no denying the fact that cost is always one of the most important considerations before making a purchase. In this respect, Proform Pro 2000 and Sole F63 are pretty even as their price tags are nearly the same.

Let’s see how much weight these trainers can handle. According to the manual, Pro 2000 is advised to be used only by persons weighing 300 lbs or less. In comparison, Sole F63 is capable of supporting 325 lbs, slightly higher than its rival.

What about the number of workout programs of these trainers? Well, there is a big difference between them. Whereas Sole F63 provides six standard programs and two user-defined programs, Pro 2000 even offers up to 32 onboard exercises for their users.

In terms of power, the Proform Pro 2000 is equipped with a powerful 3.5 CHP engine, much stronger than Sole F63’s engine (only at 3.0 CHP).

What about the treadmill’s incline range? Proform Pro 2000 offers an incline ranging from -3% to 15%, while Sole F63 is slightly wider: 0-15%.

Interestingly, both trainers allow users to reach 12 MPH, perfect for training and long-distance running.

Proform Pro 2000 Treadmill

When reaching the highest speed, heat release is inevitable. To deal with this issue, Sole has equipped the AutoBreeze system for F63 to cool the engine. Meanwhile, Proform Pro 2000 does not offer this function.

Noticeably, the heart monitoring features on both machines are similar. Users only need to wear EKG Grip Pulse, and then the trainer will calculate the heart rate for them!

Size is another essential factor to consider before buying. The Proform Pro 2000 takes up space up to 83 x 25 x38 inches and weighs 260 pounds. In contrast, the Sole F63 comes with a more compact design (only 210 pounds and 75 x 33 x 58 inches).

But it does not matter at all! When needed, these trainers can fold quickly for space-saving. Also, they’ve both got rollers. According to the manufacturers, the wheels on the front and back are around 1.9 inches non-flex.

Regarding the belt sizes, Pro 2000 offers a running belt at 22 x 60 inches, a bit wider than Sole F63 at 20 x 60 inches.

Features Comparison

To activate and adjust the speed and tilt range of two trainers, you only need to click the “Speed” and “Incline” buttons on the control panel for further changes.

Similar to other models in the market, both Pro 2000 and Sole F63 are equipped with 2-inch digital amplifier speakers. And you may wonder about their screens, right? Our answer is, Pro 2000 takes the lead with its large HD touchscreen, while F63 only offers a 6.5” screen.

Noticeably, you can utilize a built-in Bluetooth connectivity on each trainer if you need to connect to other devices. However, there is no connectivity to the USB port or Internet on both. Such a pity!

Sole F63 Treadmill

Regarding workout applications, Pro 2000 brings you a wide range of online training programs via iFit. Upon purchasing this trainer, you will receive a premium iFit account. Unfortunately, Sole F63 lacks this wonderful feature.

Besides, Android and iOS users no longer need to worry about using operating systems since both trainers are capable of connecting to these devices.

Both treadmills include a little integrated space for placing drinks. Sole f63 even offers a device stand. So convenient, right?


Once you buy the Proform Pro 2000 exercise machine, you will get a lifetime frame and motor, 5-year parts, and a 2-year labor warranty.

On the other hand, Sole F63’s users will get one year on the labor, three years on the deck/electronics/belt/rollers, 20 years on the motor, and a lifetime on the frame warranty.

Quick Rundown Of Proform Pro 2000

Proform Pro 2000 Treadmill
250 Reviews
Proform Pro 2000 Treadmill
  • Footprint: 39.15” W x 79” D x 71.4” H | Tread Belt: 22” x 60”
  • Weight Capacity: 300 lb
  • 7 inches backlit over sized LCD with racetrack display, iFit compatible. Integrated device shelf
  • 3.5 CHP Mach Z commercial Pro, 0 to 12 MPH Quick Speed
  • -3 – 15% Digital Quick Decline & Incline Control
[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” ][i2pros]Large HD touch screen
Wider running belt
Powerful engine
More integrated workout programs
[/i2pros][i2cons]No device holder
Lower weight capacity[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Quick Rundown Of Sole F63

No products found.

[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” ][i2pros]Ability to hold the device
Cooling fan system
Large tilt range
Suitable for light jogging
[/i2pros][i2cons]Small touch screen
Weak power motor[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Product Videos


After considering all the specifications and features of Proform Pro 2000 vs Sole F63, we suggest that Pro 2000 gives better value for money as it offers a stronger power engine and a wide range of workout programs. Do you agree with us? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment below to let us know your opinions!