Grizzly G0771Z vs G0833P

Below I will compare the power, portability, and features of the Grizzly G0771Z and G0833P

Difference between Grizzly G0771Z and G0833P

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Grizzly G0771Z
Grizzly G0833P
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Grizzly G0771Z
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Grizzly G0833P
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Design Comparison

The first saw, GRIZZLY G0771Z, measures with a dimension of 64 x 40-1/2 x 36 inches and weighs 330 lbs. Meanwhile, its counterpart, GRIZZLY G0833P, has a 62 x 39 x 47-3/4 inches in measurement and 416 lbs in weight.

As you can see from the overall size, it is challenging to tell who the winner is because their dimension difference is not too considerable.

In terms of weight, the winner must be G0771Z. It is lighter and more compact than its counterpart, G0833P.

Grizzly G0833P Hybrid Table Saw
Grizzly G0833P Hybrid Table Saw

Power Comparison

First, the critical element to tell who is champion in the engine power battle is cutting capacity.

G0771Z is equipped with 3-1/8 inches at a maximum depth of cut at 90 degrees and 2-1/4 inches at a maximum depth of cut at 45 degrees. The G0833P features the same cutting capacity in-depth at 90 degrees, but its maximum depth of cut at 45 degrees is at 2-3/16 inches.

As a result, with this difference, G0833P is the winner because its great cutting capacity overweighs G0771Z and gives it a more post-cut on materials.

Also, the blade’s max rip right and left included the fence and rails in this pair is distinctive. Max rip right of the blade of G0771Z is 31 inches while G0833P’s is up to 31-1/2 inches. However, G0771Z outweighs its brother in the max rip left of the blade at 16-3/4 inches while G0833P’s is 11-3/8 inches. Therefore, there is the final victor in this round.

In rim speed at maximum blade diameter battle, G0833P is the champion at 10,074 FPM, while G0771Z only gains 9025 FPM.

In general, GRIZZLY G0833P is the overall winner with premium cutting capacity and blade diameter.

Grizzly G0771Z Hybrid Table Saw
Grizzly G0771Z Hybrid Table Saw

Features Comparison

From the specs, you can see the excellent features of these two kinds of hybrid table saws.

The highlight in G0771Z is the max rip left of the blade, including fences and rails at 16-3 / 4 inches. This parameter indicates that G0771Z is really good at cutting on the left side, which is suitable for lefthanders.

There are quite notable characteristics in GRIZZLY G0833P mentioned before, such as cutting capacity and rim speed at maximum blade diameter. Besides, it is exceptional with a dust port. It has up to 2 dust ports with a size of 4 inches & 1-1/2 inches. On the contrary, G0771Z only owns 1 port with 4 inches in measurement.

When purchasing the two types of hybrid table saws, you will receive some accessories, such as heavy-duty mobile bases, bear crawl heavy-duty mobile bases, router extension tables for table saw, and zero clearance table saw insert for G0833P.

Quick Rundown Of Grizzly G0771Z

Grizzly G0771Z Hybrid Table Saw
  • Distance from front of table to blade at maximum cut: 10-5/16-Inch
  • Distance from front of table to center of blade: 14-7/8-Inch
  • Table size with extension: 27-Inch x 75-3/4-Inch
[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” ][i2pros]Comfortable and stable adjustment wheels
Perfect cast wings
T-rail fence perfectly straight
Cuts smoothly and cleanly
Easy-glide fence system[/i2pros][i2cons]Not well fit dents, scratches, and the motor cover
Bolts to the top in a difficult place to access
Not-properly-threaded dust port cover [/i2cons][/i2pc]
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Quick Rundown Of Grizzly G0833P

Grizzly G0833P Hybrid Table Saw
  • Motor: 3HP, 240V, single-phase, 14A, 3450 RPM
  • Solid cast iron table is first heat treated for strength then milled perfectly flat and ground to a mirror like finish
  • Table has T slots so your miter gauge will not fall off the table when retracted
[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” ][i2pros]Smooth gliding fence
Flat iron top and wings
Simple and clean design on the outside
Good dust collection
Surprisingly quiet
Plenty of power
Has room for a router table on the right side rails[/i2pros][i2cons]No space to store accessories on it like other saws
Short power cord at about 4ft
Deviation fence
Hard to align wings [/i2cons][/i2pc]
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Indeed, you find out your favorite hybrid table saw after reading the GRIZZLY G0771Z VS G0833P article. The winner is dependable on your interest and your usage purposes.

If you like a saw with outstanding cutting capacity and good dust-cleaning ability, GRIZZLY G0833P is sure for you. With comfortable and pleasant to operate, the right choice is GRIZZLY G0771Z.

For me, I like to own a simple and easy-to-use saw because I just use it for DIY things. Therefore, G0771Z is my beloved hybrid table saw.