Shop Fox W1758 Vs Grizzly G0462

Two of the top favorite wood lathes today shop Fox W1758 Vs Grizzly G0462 are two of the top favorite wood lathes today. And don’t you know which is the most suitable because both of these machines have the same essential functions?

Well, nothing is the entire same, so they are a bit different. If you need a brief breakdown of the differences between these two products, this post can help.

Difference between Shop Fox W1758 and Grizzly G0462

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Design Comparison

The Grizzly G0462 has a relatively large weight of 354 lbs, slightly more massive than the Shop Fox W1758, which weighs 338 pounds. The difference is not too big, but it is enough to create a little advantage of the Grizzly machine’s more effective anti-shake feature.

Meanwhile, the overall dimensions of these two machines are almost equal, with the Grizzly G0462 is 72-1 / 2 “W x 19” D x 48 “H and Shop Fox W1758 is 76-1 / 2” L x. 19 “W x 48-3 / 4” H.

Therefore, the ability to occupy the space of both machines is the same.

Thus, in this round, we believe that the Grizzly G0462 is a machine with a more significant advantage over the Shop Fox W1758.

Shop Fox W1758 Wood Lathe

Power Comparison

Fox W1758 is possibly one of the best large lathes on the market with full features and a powerful engine. It works with an incredibly powerful 2hp engine block. The top speed is up to 2400rmp and has a current capacity of 110v / 14A.

Not to be outdone, Grizzly G0462 also has a bug with identical parameters to Fox’s W1758 version. In particular, both machines can quickly customize ten steps from 600rpm to 2400rpm, beneficial for professional work and large quantities.

So here, there is not much difference in the engine performance of these two machines. Thus, neither machine wins.

Grizzly G0462 Wood Lathe

Features Comparison

W1758 extensions have a distinctive 3-dimensional design. The manufacturer intentionally creates an item to facilitate the user to adjust their tool as easy as possible.

You can also use the handle lock to maintain your preferred distance from the billet to the rest. Besides, this lathe also stands out with its ability to plane large wooden surfaces. Usually, this machine will be selected for surface lathe when the board is larger than 12 inches.

On the other hand, with Grizzly’s machine, you can rotate the spindle up to 180 degrees for greater convenience when needed over a large area. The rotation is also effortless when you need to loosen the head screw only.

Its solid cast iron construction allows it to meet the requirements for stability and durability. More specifically, if you want to keep the wooden monolith on the machine after finishing the work, the device provides a stand with legs to help you add as many shelves as you want. The G0462 comes with a 1-year warranty, while the W1758 is not clear.

As such, the comparison of this unique feature cannot find the winner either. Each machine has its outstanding features and serves different purposes.

Quick Rundown Of Shop Fox W1758

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  • Robust cast iron construction
  • An integrated 10-level rotation system
  • Quick disassembly system


  • Not convenient to move
  • Not suitable for beginners
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Quick Rundown Of Grizzly G0462

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  • Flexible rotation
  • Flexible speed changeability
  • Excellent customer service


  • The too-short tail part
>>> Read Customer Reviews: Here
>>> Read Customer Reviews: Here


We think that overall, between Shop Fox W1758 Vs. Grizzly G0462, pouring money into the Grizzly G0462 is more profitable than the Shop Fox W1758 for its design and weight advantages.

Do you need a durable and sturdy machine? So, the Grizzly G0462 is your go-to. On the contrary, if you need a device that integrates more features and utilities, Shop Fox W1758 is not a bad choice at all!

The decision to buy which product still depends on your preferences.