NordicTrack EXP 7i Vs Sole F80

Further down the page, you’ll find some explanations regarding the key similarities and differences between the NordicTrack EXP 7i and the Sole F80.

Specs Comparison

Undoubtedly, the price factor always has a significant impact on the purchasing decision of customers when they are faced with many options. In this comparison, the NordicTrack EXP 7i takes the lead point as it is about $500 cheaper than its competitor – the Sole F80.

Are you curious how much weight these trainers can handle? Like other Nordictrack treadmills, EXP 7i can support 300 pounds – such a pretty ideal number, right? But unfortunately, the Sole F80 does even better with a 350-pound capacity.

There’s a big gap in workout programs built between two treadmills. According to the manufacturer, Sole F80 offers users 10 workouts in total. In contrast, EXP 7i is not preinstalled, and up to 16,000 exercises will be included after signing up for a free year of iFit.

In general, the running belts of both models are very solidly designed. The ideal thickness helps limit pressure on the knee when exercising and ensures user safety.

In terms of power, the F80 works more powerfully with the 3.5 CHP engine when compared with the 3 CHP engine of EXP 7i. Noticeably, the quiet engine and soft belt help Sole F80 reduce noise better than EXP 7i.

Is there any difference in incline range between these two treadmills? Yes! The incline and decline gap of EXP 7i is 0-12%; meanwhile, the F80 has a slightly larger tilt: 0-15%.

Let’s discuss the trainer’s maximum speed. Both models allow users to reach 12 MPH. Obviously, this wide speed range is suitable for various exercises, such as long-distance running, sprinting, or light walking.

The faster the treadmill runs, the more heat the treadmill emits. Both models use the AutoBreeze system to cool the engine. Whereas EXP 7i’s fan has quite a strong wind, its competitor does not bring much efficiency.

The heart monitoring feature also has a small difference on both machines. While Sole F80 uses a handlebar pulse clamp, the EXP tracks heart rate based on the handle.

Sizing and weight are other essential elements to consider before purchasing. Sole F80 measures 82 x 36 x 16.5 inches and weighs 284 lbs. On the contrary, EXP 7i comes with a size of 77.3 x 35.3 x 59.6 inches and weighs 60 pounds lighter.

What about belt size? Well, Sole F80 overshadows its competitor with the 22×60 inches running surface, suitable for tall users or those with long strides. Meanwhile, the EXP 7i belt is only 20×60 inches in size.

Another outstanding advantage that cannot be ignored is the ability to fold. In general, both trainers are foldable to reduce the space used and removed by a bottom roller system. However, instead of 2 wheels, as usual, the Sole has up to 4 wheels.

Sole F80 Treadmill

Features Comparison

In order to give users the best experience, both models are designed quite user-friendly. All you need is to click the “Speed” and “Incline” buttons to activate, adjust the parameters.

When it comes to the ability to adjust the wind, the NordicTrack EXP 7i fan has done better. In fact, Sole’s products are usually quite modest in this respect. F80’s fan can also change the wind level like the opponent, but it is quite weak.

About exercise program choices, F80 has two exercise programs that force users to adjust themselves. Meanwhile, EXP 7i allows arbitrary selection. The initiative in choosing exercises helps NordicTrack to be appreciated.

As mentioned above, operating mode changes will be made easily on the control panel. EXP 7i uses a 7″ HD smart touch screen with a good data display. In contrast, the F80’s screen is larger than 2″, but it does not have full color, and not much information is displayed.

The speaker system is also a factor that many customers are interested in. Like other Nordictrack trainers, the EXP 7i is equipped with dual 2-inch digital amplifier speakers. Meanwhile, the F80 has built-in speakers and an audio cable. They all allow users to conveniently listen to music or watch exercise lectures.

You can use the built-in Bluetooth and USB ports on both machines if you need a wifi connection. Besides, both these treadmills are compatible with Android and iOS devices.

What about other equipment? Well, the design of both machines is user-friendly. They have a storage tray for towels or necessary items.


EXP 7i warranty is slightly shorter: 10 years frame warranty, 2 years parts warranty, and 1-year labor warranty.

Meanwhile, F80 offers a lifetime warranty on the frame, engine, deck, 5 years for electronics and parts, and 2 years of labor.

Quick Rundown Of NordicTrack EXP 7i

NordicTrack EXP 7i Treadmill
[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” ][i2pros]Reasonable price
More compact size
Lighter, easy to move
The huge number of exercises on iFit[/i2pros][i2cons]Shorter warranty
Weak engine[/i2cons][/i2pc]

Quick Rundown Of Sole F80

Sole F80 Treadmill
  • Folding treadmill with 3.0-horsepower continuous-duty motor
  • Vibrant 7.5-inch LCD display with integrated speakers and audio cable
  • 6 standard workouts, 2 custom workouts, and 2 HR-controlled workouts
  • Easy Assist folding deck design; Cushion Flex shock-absorption system
  • 350-pound capacity; measures 33 x 80 inches (W x D); weighs 250 pounds
[i2pc show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” ][i2pros]Great inclination
Large screen size, easy to observe
Strong engine, long operating time
Modern technology
[/i2pros][i2cons]Higher price
Too heavy, hard to move
Few exercises available

Product Videos


Above are a few comments about two treadmills – the Nordictrack EXP 7i vs Sole F80. From the comparison of power, size, features, and elements, NordicTrack EXP 7i stands out over its opponent – Sole F80. In short, EXP 7i is the ideal choice for customers.